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Engineering Cybersecurity Mitigations for Municipal Water Systems webinar
Water & Wastewater

Webinar: Engineering Cybersecurity Mitigations for Municipal Water Systems

Large water utilities are looking to gain efficiencies by adopting new distributed edge devices and digital transformation initiatives incorporating the latest machine learning and AI algorithms. Meanwhile, small to mid-size municipalities, are wanting to maintain their reliability without increasing their rate-base.

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Oil & Gas Webinar
Oil and Gas

Cyber-Informed Engineering Transforms IT/OT Convergence in Oil & Gas Operations

IT/OT integration introduces threats to reliable operations. Connected networks move both data, malware, and remote-control cyber attacks along their wires and cables. In the Oil & Gas industry, E&P, pipelines, and refineries have found that securing IT/OT connections involves more than just having Enterprise Security telling Engineering what to do and Engineering saying “no” to IT over and over.

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OT cybersecurity insights center

Webinar: Engineering-Grade OT Security: A manager’s guide

Join our next webinar to learn about engineering-grade OT security, a new model for cyber risk, and how to decide how much security is needed for different types of systems, as described in Andrew Ginter’s new book, Engineering-Grade OT Security: A Manager’s Guide.

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