Unbreachable Access to OT Data
Unidirectional Gateways provide unbreachable protection for OT environments, while allowing secure and continuous access to OT data.

Hardware Protection against Cyberattacks

Hardware-enforced security at the site perimeter – No cyber attack can get through the unidirectional hardware to put physical operations at risk

Strong physical segmentation – Data queries and responses occur exclusively within the IT network, without ever passing into OT environments.

Wide interoperability – Connectors for a wide array of OT and even IT data sources, servers and protocols.
How It Works
UGW hardware provides absolute protection while the software enables seamless enterprise connectivity

An OT network safely to a less secure IT network

The OT network with hardware-enforced technology

OT data in real-time to external networks
Absolute Protection
The gateway hardware is physically able to send information in only one direction.
Network Visibility
The software collects data from industrial network servers and creates replicas on the enterprise network. IT users can then access these replicas seamlessly.
No Attacks
No matter how sophisticated, attacks cannot propagate back to the industrial network through the gateway.

Security-First Design
Prioritizing cybersecurity in every aspect.

Access Any Data
Compatible with Waterfall’s large library of off-the-shelf connectors

Scalability & Performance
1Gbps or 10Gbps throughput options

Self Contained Appliance
No need to install hosts or software anywhere else in OT or IT networks

Easy to Use
Web-based user interface is the only user interface to learn – use it to configure, manage, monitor and even trouble-shoot the device.

Battle Proven
Installed at 1000s of sites globally
The software connectors duplicate servers and simulate devices, allowing enterprise users and applications to maintain bidirectional access to OT data from the replicated servers. Waterfall supports a wide range of SCADA systems and industrial platforms, including the following:

The hardware provides an unbreachable physical barrier to online attacks targeting OT networks.

Waterfall’s flagship WF-600 Unidirectional Security Gateway provides unbreachable protection for OT / industrial control system networks. The WF-600 gateway provides OT network perimeter protection with a hardware enforced, physical barrier preventing remote attacks, malware, DOS attacks, ransomware and human errors from entering the protected network.
Learn moreWF-500

The WF-500 Unidirectional Security Gateway offers unbreachable industrial protection, enables safe IT/OT integration, secure remote access, and unlimited industrial network monitoring.
Learn moreWF-500 DIN RAIL

The Waterfall WF-500 DIN Rail is a Unidirectional Security Gateway in a compact design that allows space-constrained sites to benefit from Waterfall’s unbreachable physical protection from cyber attacks on industrial networks.
Learn moreWaterfall for IDS

Waterfall for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) enables IT networks to safely monitor OT systems to detect intrusion attempts by preventing the risk of anything going back into the OT networks via the IDS.
Learn moreWF-Secure Bypass

The Waterfall Secure Bypass Module provides physical protection for emergency and other remote support mechanisms, while providing the industrial site with physical control over the frequency and duration of remote access. Secure Bypass provides secure remote access for trusted insiders.
Learn moreWF-FLIP

The Waterfall FLIP is a type of Unidirectional Gateway whose orientation can be physically reversed, enabling safe scheduled updates to OT networks without the vulnerabilities firewalls always introduce.
Learn moreWF-Blackbox

The Waterfall Blackbox provides a tamper-proof online repository that can survive a cyber attack, preventing attackers from hiding evidence of how they entered a network and their malicious actions within it.
Learn more