Tag: ot security

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Robin Berthier of Network Perception on Podcast 124
OT cybersecurity insights center

Evaluating Network Segmentation Strength | Episode 124

How hard is it for an attacker to dig around in my network? Robin Berthier of Network Perception joins us to look at new network segmentation evaluation and visualization technology that lets us see at a glance how much trouble, or not, we’re in.

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are we still trying to protect industrial information
OT cybersecurity insights center

OT Security: Are We Protecting the Information?

Industrial network engineers have always been uneasy with the task of “protecting information”. The real priority for OT security is in stopping inbound malicious information from entering the system and threatening machinery and workers.

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OT Security Solutions
OT cybersecurity insights center

OT Security Solutions: Exploring Technologies

The operational technology (OT) environments that power critical infrastructure face rapidly escalating cyber threats. As facilities like power plants, water treatment centers, and manufacturing plants connect operations to external networks, they expose vulnerable legacy OT systems. Attacks like TRITON, Stuxnet, and Industroyer demonstrate the damage hackers can inflict when they access operational networks. To protect themselves, organizations need OT security solutions exploring for industrial control systems.

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Oil & Gas Webinar
Oil and Gas

Cyber-Informed Engineering Transforms IT/OT Convergence in Oil & Gas Operations

IT/OT integration introduces threats to reliable operations. Connected networks move both data, malware, and remote-control cyber attacks along their wires and cables. In the Oil & Gas industry, E&P, pipelines, and refineries have found that securing IT/OT connections involves more than just having Enterprise Security telling Engineering what to do and Engineering saying “no” to IT over and over.

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