Abstraction for Safe Closed-Loop Control by Cloud Systems in Mining
What happens when we close the loop in mining operations? How can we prevent Internet-exposed services being compromised?
Welcome to the resources page! We have compiled a collection of useful information, tools, and resources to help you
What happens when we close the loop in mining operations? How can we prevent Internet-exposed services being compromised?
The Mitre CWE – Common Weakness Enumeration is database talks about kinds of problems that can show up in the future – future zero days – rather than CVE that talks about what vulnerabilities were discovered in the past. Susan Farrell walks us through the CWE and how both vendors and owners and operators use it.
When it comes to securing OPC DA, nothing compares to the security that a unidirectional gateway provides.
Upstream Oil & Gas production has a unique range of threats and risks to consider when compared to other industrial operations.
Our checklist infographic takes a dive into what to consider and secure when it comes to Upstream operations.
The Waterfall Unidirectional Security Gateway and how it has been applied at Oil & Gas production sites such as oil fields and offshore platforms.
IT/OT integration introduces threats to reliable operations. Connected networks move both data, malware, and remote-control cyber attacks along their wires and cables. In the Oil & Gas industry, E&P, pipelines, and refineries have found that securing IT/OT connections involves more than just having Enterprise Security telling Engineering what to do and Engineering saying “no” to IT over and over.
Smart meters, smart cities and the IIoT – when thousands of systems of millions of low-power devices need to talk to each other, and talk between systems, managing trust is hard. Dr. Chris Gorog of BlockFrame walks us through the problem and the work BlockFrame and the University of Colorado have been doing to solve the problem.
Introducing Waterfall Central: Come for simple remote monitoring of multiple devices, stay for operational awareness.
Moving from IT or engineering roles into OT security is harder than it should be. Mike Holcomb of Fluor has written eBooks & provides a newsletter to help people with that transition. In this episode, Mike reflects on his own evolution into OT security and gives advice to others looking at making the move.
How a UAE-based refinery was able to protect their legacy system to the extent it could safely be connected to the internet, IT networks, and the Cloud.