5 Ways Waterfall Central™ Improves Situational Awareness
Introducing Waterfall Central: Come for simple remote monitoring of multiple devices, stay for operational awareness.
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Introducing Waterfall Central: Come for simple remote monitoring of multiple devices, stay for operational awareness.
Moving from IT or engineering roles into OT security is harder than it should be. Mike Holcomb of Fluor has written eBooks & provides a newsletter to help people with that transition. In this episode, Mike reflects on his own evolution into OT security and gives advice to others looking at making the move.
How a UAE-based refinery was able to protect their legacy system to the extent it could safely be connected to the internet, IT networks, and the Cloud.
Waterfall is proud to be recognized by Amazon as a validated industry standard for connecting OT systems to the AWS Cloud.
Our enemies cooperate, and so must we. Aurelio Blanquet walks us through the activities of the European Energy ISAC, with a focus on building the trust that is essential to enabling the cooperation that we need to work together.
Protecting a regional Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Europe from outside cyber threats.
The NIS2 Directive is a directive by the European Parliament on the measures that need to be taken for a high common level of cybersecurity across the European Union.