Category: OT security standards

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Industrial Security Podcast | Episode 116 - Aaron Turner
OT cybersecurity insights center

Failures of Imagination – from 9-11 to The Aurora Test | Episode 116

The industrial security initiative was triggered by the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. Aaron Turner, on the faculty at IANS Research, helped investigate laptop computers used by 9/11 attackers and joined up with Michael Assante to persuade government authorities to launch what has become today’s industrial cybersecurity industry. Aaron takes us through the formative years – from 9/11 to the Aurora generator demonstration.

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Podcast Episode 115 - Kyle Peters - Building Automation IEC 62443
OT cybersecurity insights center

Safety, Security and IEC 62443 in Building Automation | Episode 115

Cybersecurity and IEC 62443 are increasingly relevant to building automation. Parking garages contain safety-critical CO2 sensors that control fans, the MGM breach is in the news and standards bodies are debating minimum security levels for different kinds of systems. Kyle Peters of Intelligent Buildings joins us to look at IEC 62443-2-1 style security assessments of modern buildings and what we can learn from those assessments.

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Podcast Episode 114 with Mike Almeyda
OT cybersecurity insights center

Physical Security Supports Cybersecurity | Episode 114

Adversaries who can physically touch a target have a huge advantage when it comes to compromising that target. Mike Almeyda of Force5 joins us to look at tools for physical security that support cybersecurity, especially for the North American NERC CIP standards.

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NIS2 compliance cheat sheet
OT cybersecurity insights center

NIS2 Compliance for ICS

The NIS2 Directive is a directive by the European Parliament on the measures that need to be taken for a high common level of cybersecurity across the European Union.

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The Curious Case of Dual Event Logs
OT security standards

The Curious Case of Dual Event Logs

It’s better to have logs and not need them, than to need logs and not have them. And the same applies to dual-logs. With dual-logs, cyber attackers are putting themselves in danger and revealing their intentions every time they wipe their events from the log.

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