Cyber Attacks with Physical Consequences – 2024 Threat Report

Join us on April 11th, with 2 live webinar sessions at 9:00 AM Singapore time, and 11:00 AM New York time.

Threat Report Webinar 2024

The new Waterfall Security / ICSStrive Threat Report documents 68 cyber attacks with real-world physical consequences impacting 515 sites in 2023. Insights from the report include a sharp change in impact numbers and attacker practices at the turn of the decade, hacktivist attacks increasing faster than any other kind of attack in the data set, and the manufacturing sector suffering the majority of OT consequences from cyber attacks.

In this webinar, you will learn:

arrow red right Why are there OT consequences from attacks that target only IT targets, and what fraction of attacks in the data set are like that?

arrow red right Why have ransomware attacks with OT impacts apparently slowed down, while overall attack counts continue to increase?

arrow red right What important new kinds of attacks and consequences are showing up in the data?

Understanding threats is essential to designing effective defenses. We invite you to join Andrew Ginter, Rees Machtemes and Greg Hale on a live webinar, in your choice of two time zones, to look at how the threat environment is changing.

About the Speaker

Picture of Andrew Ginter

Andrew Ginter

VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions

Picture of Rees Machtemes

Rees Machtemes

Director of Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions

Picture of Greg Hale

Greg Hale

Editor & Founder At Industrial Safety And Security Source


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