OT Security For IT Professionals eBook – An Introduction to Industrial Cyber Controls

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OT Security For IT Professionals eBook - An Introduction to Industrial Cyber Controls

As a globally recognized expert in the field of industrial control systems security, Andrew Ginter often observes that a common approach to industrial cybersecurity is to protect operational technology (OT) with the same tools and approach as we use when we protect information technology (IT). Demystifying this concept is the topic handled in this series of articles. Recruiting Dr. Edward Amoroso – a veteran cyber and information security professional, professor and author – these two savvy professionals sat down and wrote a series of articles that every IT professional charged OT security should read.  

In this eBook

  • ARTICLE #1

An overview of the OT landscape, including an outline of the influential Purdue model for manufacturing and industrial networks

  • ARTICLE #2

An insight into how hackers have had success to date breaking into OT networks

  • ARTICLE #3

Outline of the SCADA vulnerabilities associated with typical physical bus architectures

  • ARTICLE #4

How innovative technology such as unidirectional gateways are commonly used to protect OT networks from Internet-exposed IT net

  • ARTICLE #5

A glimpse into the future of OT and SCADA systems in critical infrastructure

About the author
Picture of Edward Amoroso

Edward Amoroso

CEO of TAG Cyber

Picture of Andrew Ginter

Andrew Ginter

VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions


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