Firewalls vs Unidirectional Gateways Ebook

Firewalls vs Unidirectional Gateways Ebook

Firewalls are used extensively inside industrial networks and throughout enterprise networks, but best practice demands at least one layer of unidirectional gateway technology in defense in depth architectures, most commonly at the Information Technology / Operations Technology (IT/OT) interface. This advice can be confusing to security practitioners who assume that a unidirectional gateway is some sort of “unidirectional firewall.

In this eBook

arrow red right  Define what is a firewall

arrow red right  Review firewall principles

arrow red right  Introduce Unidirectional Gateways

arrow red right Compare the effectiveness of these two network perimeter protection solutions at the IT/OT interface

About the author
Picture of Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions

Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions

At Waterfall, Andrew leads a team of experts who work with the world’s most secure industrial sites. He is author of two books on industrial security, a co-author of the Industrial Internet Consortium’s Security Framework, and the co-host of the Industrial Security Podcast. Andrew spent 35 years designing SCADA system products for Hewlett Packard, IT/OT connectivity products for Agilent Technologies, and OT/ICS security products for Industrial Defender and Waterfall Security Solutions.


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