BSEE Real-time Monitoring (RTM) Requirements For OCS Operators
Waterfall team

BSEE has issued the Well Control Final Rule to consolidate existing well control rules into a revised regulation that addresses Blow Out Preventer (BOP) system design, performance and reliability. Operators will be required to gather, monitor and transmit to a monitoring onshore facility real-time well data using an independent, automatic, and continuous monitoring system.
One of the main industry concerns in response to RTM was that the requirement to transmit data in real-time would increase the risk for cyber attacks targeting off-shore control systems. If you want to learn how to protect yourself against such threats, download our free eBook
In this eBook
Understanding the new BSEE requirements for Real-time Monitoring (RTM).
Increased connectivity leads to increased cyber vulnerabilities? We explain which kind of connectivity and what kind of vulnerabilities.
How Waterfall provides robust cyber protections while still fully complying with BSEE RTM compliances.
Simplifying monitoring requirements while protecting control systems.
About the author

Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions
At Waterfall, Andrew leads a team of experts who work with the world’s most secure industrial sites. He is author of two books on industrial security, a co-author of the Industrial Internet Consortium’s Security Framework, and the co-host of the Industrial Security Podcast. Andrew spent 35 years designing SCADA system products for Hewlett Packard, IT/OT connectivity products for Agilent Technologies, and OT/ICS security products for Industrial Defender and Waterfall Security Solutions.