eBook: Unidirectional Security Gateways for Government Networks

The cyber threat environment is getting worse, and our adversaries are developing more powerful attack tools. Government agencies need to increase automation and network connectivity to maintain strategic military, governance, and economic advantages. This increases both the number of targets for cyber assaults and the number of opportunities for such assaults. The solution is robust, hardware-based, physical protection, such as Waterfall’s Unidirectional Security Gateways and hardware-enforced security solutions, which protect from even the most sophisticated nation-state adversaries.

In this eBook

arrow red right  Unique benefits of Unidirectional Security Gateways.

arrow red right  The hardware behind Unidirectional Security Gateways.

arrow red right  Connector software for Unidirectional Security Gateways.

arrow red right  Waterfall’s Blackbox – tamperproof logs.

arrow red right  How it all comes together  for protecting government networks.

Download your copy today and learn how to fully secure government networks against all remote cyber threats including nation-state adversaries.

About the author
Picture of Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions

Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions

At Waterfall, Andrew leads a team of experts who work with the world’s most secure industrial sites. He is author of two books on industrial security, a co-author of the Industrial Internet Consortium’s Security Framework, and the co-host of the Industrial Security Podcast. Andrew spent 35 years designing SCADA system products for Hewlett Packard, IT/OT connectivity products for Agilent Technologies, and OT/ICS security products for Industrial Defender and Waterfall Security Solutions.


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