Category: OT security standards

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Robin Berthier of Network Perception on Podcast 124
OT cybersecurity insights center

Evaluating Network Segmentation Strength | Episode 124

How hard is it for an attacker to dig around in my network? Robin Berthier of Network Perception joins us to look at new network segmentation evaluation and visualization technology that lets us see at a glance how much trouble, or not, we’re in.

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2024 threat report at a glance
OT cybersecurity insights center

The 2024 Threat Report – At a Glance

Cyber attacks impacting physical operations, like shut-downs, are rising. Waterfall’s NEW annual threat report provides industrial operators with the latest trends in the threat environment to prepare themselves going forward.

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are we still trying to protect industrial information
OT cybersecurity insights center

OT Security: Are We Protecting the Information?

Industrial network engineers have always been uneasy with the task of “protecting information”. The real priority for OT security is in stopping inbound malicious information from entering the system and threatening machinery and workers.

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ISP Chris Gorog episode 119
OT cybersecurity insights center

Managing Trust in Massive IIoT Systems | Episode 119

Smart meters, smart cities and the IIoT – when thousands of systems of millions of low-power devices need to talk to each other, and talk between systems, managing trust is hard. Dr. Chris Gorog of BlockFrame walks us through the problem and the work BlockFrame and the University of Colorado have been doing to solve the problem.

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