Author: Andrew Ginter

Welcome to the resources page! We have compiled a collection of useful information, tools, and resources to help you

Cloud-Rendezvous-Style OT Remote Access

Cloud-Rendezvous-Style OT Remote Access: Residual Risk

Security product vendors sometimes make outrageous claims – in this article we look at cloud-rendezvous style remote access systems for OT networks and how they work. We debunk the most outrageous claims, we look at residual risk that we accept when deploying these systems, and we suggest circumstances where deploying these kinds of systems actually does make sense.

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OT Security blog post about how likely a security flaw might end up unaliving someone

How Likely Is That To Kill Anyone?

IT teams newly responsible for OT security are often appalled with the results of an initial vulnerability assessment. “Patch everything! Patch it now!” is often the directive issued to engineering teams. The correct response to such a directive is “How likely is that to kill anyone?” Engineering teams cannot proceed with any change to a system until they have a clear understanding of the answer. And the answer is almost never “zero likelihood.”

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Cybersecurity approaches unique to OT security

Cybersecurity Approaches Unique to OT Security

The engineering profession has powerful tools to address physical risk, tools that should be applied to OT cyber risks much more routinely than they are today. For example: mechanical over-pressure relief valves prevent boilers from exploding for any reason, cyber attack or otherwise. These powerful tools are too often neglected for cyber threats because they have no analogue in IT security – they not even mentioned in most cybersecurity standards, regulations and advice.

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What is OT anyway?

What is OT Anyway?

Engineers have very recently started to use the “OT” term, primarily when interacting with enterprise security teams. Engineers use the term to refer to the computers and networks that control important, complex, and often dangerous physical processes

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