OT Insights CenterBuilding a Game Plan for OT Remote Access
Building a Game Plan for OT Remote Access
Join us on April 21st at 12 PM Eastern Time for a webinar on where we’ll dive provide an overview of the current landscape of OT remote access solutions and help you make the right decision for your OT network.

OT remote access is seen as essential for many industries – partly to save costs, and partly because physical travel to very distant substations, compressor stations, mine sites, and other physical assets is difficult, time-consuming, and sometimes even dangerous.
The problem is that there is a bewildering variety of OT remote access solutions out there, with different kinds of needs in different kinds of industries and use cases.
In this webinar we will:
- Provide an overview of the current landscape of solutions and needs.
- Recommend a decision process – how to gather critical information, the steps required to make informed decisions in a specific order.
- Provide examples of the decision process across various industries and contexts – from municipal utilities to backbone / heavy infrastructure to manufacturing and building automation.
Join us as we "fly low and fast" - in 60 minutes see all the options in one place, and where and why each one makes sense, with concrete examples.
Andrew Ginter
Andrew Ginter is the most widely-read author in the industrial security space, with over 23,000 copies of his three books in print. He is a trusted advisor to the world's most secure industrial enterprises, and contributes regularly to industrial cybersecurity standards and guidance.